2021年1月24日 星期日

Ixora Hotel📍 豐盛佳餚🥢讓你安心慶團員!乾杯咯!🍻🍻


今年的團圓飯及元宵節,大家如果畏懼外出,又想輕輕鬆鬆吃團圓飯,大可讓 Ixora Hotel 幫上忙。因爲 Ixora Hotel 的春節套餐可以外帶呢!當然,行動管制令后,大家也可以選擇堂食。目前,Ixora Hotel 推出了兩套可以外帶或堂食的春節套餐,包括:

📍Ixora Hotel 發財年菜
🥢FORTUNE 8 Course
💲價格:RM658/Set (6人份)
📍Ixora Hotel 發財年菜
💲價格:RM1038/Set (6人份)
🧧 無論是 Fortune 8 Course 或 Prosperity 8 Course 都附上2罐汽水及普洱茶
🧧定取 2 個套餐將免費獲取一瓶 House Wine
🧧需 3 天前預訂並支付訂金
📍Ixora Hotel 
🥢Prosperity Yee Sang
☎ 預訂電話:04-3828888

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course / Fortune 8 Course

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity Yee Sang

雁子有幸在行動管制令前受邀出席並品嘗了 Prosperity 套餐。大家可以看看以下 Menu哦。共8道菜餚:

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course

只能說,吃起來真的非常的豐盛!我個人很愛金牛賀歲五福臨門 (Chef's Special Combinations),尤其是那超大顆新鮮的扇貝吃起來真的好滿足!蛋黃芒果香更不在話下,一口咬下去,香脆得來又可以吃到蝦只Q彈的口感。還有碧海海藍天龍騰福海 (Braised Eight Treasure Seafood Chowder), 一口吃下,感覺整個海洋都被吃在嘴裏了。當然,很讓我吃出驚喜的,是原本一些平平無奇的食材,經過師傅的巧手,變得如此美味上等此 - 精耕細作碧玉香冬 (Braised Seasonal Garden Greens)。不僅美味,加上小鮑魚更是起了畫龍點睛的功效。丫,今年的初嘗鮑魚,居然是在 Ixora Hotel 呢!再來,這裏的粒粒黃金福聚滿屋 (Fragrant Fried Rice) 也讓我吃出很大的驚喜。看似平平無奇的炒飯,裏頭居然藏著濃濃的海鮮美味。一口吃下去,米飯中夾雜著三文魚及蝦肉的鮮味,讓炒飯的美味瞬間升級!最後一個驚喜是甜點 - 花花富貴財富旺發。看得出師傅很用心的精心設計甜點的擺盤,字似乎將我們那日的盛宴畫上了滿足的句點。


Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity Yee Sang with Crabmeat

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity Yee Sang with Crabmeat

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity Yee Sang with Crabmeat

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Chef's Special Combinations

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Chef's Special Combinations

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Chef's Special Combinations

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Braised Eight Treasure Seafood Chowder

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Braised Eight Treasure Seafood Chowder

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Braised Eight Treasure Seafood Chowder

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Cantonese Roasted Duck with homemade Oriental Barbecue Sauce

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Cantonese Roasted Duck with homemade Oriental Barbecue Sauce
Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Wok-Fried King Prawns with fragrant Kam Hiang Sauce

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Braised Seasonal Garden Greens with baby abalone, sea asparagus and freshly Farmed Mushroom

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Braised Seasonal Garden Greens with baby abalone, sea asparagus and freshly Farmed Mushroom

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Steamed Dragon Tiger Grouper with Aromatic Nyonya Sauce

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Steamed Dragon Tiger Grouper with Aromatic Nyonya Sauce

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Fragrant Fried Rice with Salmon, Prawn and Sundried scallop paste

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Double-Boiled Sweetened Pear and show fungus with ginger root accompanied with deep-fried golden sesame ballswith nian gao

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Double-Boiled Sweetened Pear and show fungus with ginger root accompanied with deep-fried golden sesame ballswith nian gao

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Double-Boiled Sweetened Pear and show fungus with ginger root accompanied with deep-fried golden sesame ballswith nian gao

Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # Double-Boiled Sweetened Pear and show fungus with ginger root accompanied with deep-fried golden sesame ballswith nian gao
Ixora Hotel ︳Prosperity 8 Course # 感謝 Ixora Hotel 的熱情款待

在這裏也附上  Fortune 8 Course 的餐單供大家參考哦!


Ixora Hotel
📞電話:04-382 8888
📭地址:3096 Jalan Baru, Bandar Perai Jaya 13600 Malaysia Penang Permatang Pauh. 





法國·巴黎 | 戰利品·CHANEL包包&長皮夾。